Sunday, March 21, 2010

Next action on the legislative agenda: National health care for pets

Now that Congress has passed a historic health care bill, pet owners look longingly for lawmaking with a real bite... legislation for national pet medical insurance.

Have you taken your dog to the veterinarian recently? A major illness or injury will rival the bill for a five year-old Kia Spectra. Visa, Master Card, Discover and American Express would light up at the prospect of charging 19 percent interest for your dog's knee replacement surgery.

No, we're not ranting against veterinarians. A health-care professional won't get rich dispensing feline leukemia vaccinations and performing doggie vasectomies... far from it.

National pet health-care coverage is a pipe dream. Like a Beatles reunion, free Wi-Fi hotspots at national coffee chains (screw your AT&T access card, Starbuck's. How much money is enough?) and the first World Series appearance by the Seattle Mariners.

Dream on, dream on, dream on...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Mr. President and Congress for your leadership in establishing a national health care program. I saw the law, and I'm a believer. And shame on the wingnut idealogues who continue to obstruct real change.
