Tuesday, November 23, 2010

There's no penalty box at the dog park... get your aggressive mutt outta there

You thought you'd enjoy today's "snow day" by taking your white German shepherd to the Genesee Dog Park. White Fang, you reasoned, would enjoy romping in the snow and playing with his fellow canines.

Trouble was, White Fang did not seem to share your assessment. Your shepherd acted aggressively with the other dogs, and started at least one fight.

Worse, you didn't attempt to intervene. When the owner of the other dog confronted you, you appeared shocked by White Fang's conduct. "I don't understand what happened," you gushed. "He's such a sweetheart at home."

Even worse, you failed to remove White Fang from the park. Instead you leashed him up and kept him the park. And then you petted him, thereby reassuring his brutish behavior.

Irresponsible dog owner, what the hell were you thinking?

Maybe you didn't recognize that the darling doggie living in your cute Craftsman near the lake transforms into Cujo when he leaves your 'hood. But once you became aware of your dog's behavior at the park today, you should leashed up White Fang and left the off-leash park. What good would come out tethering up your dog and remaining on the premises? Do you think he felt any more secure and serene leashed up amongst other dogs that freely ran and played around him?

Once White Fang displayed aggression, you should regain control of your dog and leave the park. There is no "penalty box" at the dog park... you should remove your dog from the premises before he instigates another confrontation. Apparently, common sense is not within your modus operandi.

To the rest of the owners at the park: Call the Seattle Animal Shelter at 386-PETS (386-7387) if you observe aggression at the dog park.

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