Granted, Bo hasn't enacted a national health plan or achieved peace in the Middle East. (In all due fairness, his owner hasn't seen much more success in those arenas. But that will change.) The current canine resident at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue has provided a welcome diversion from the unpleasantness of unconscionable CEO bonuses, national home foreclosure crisis and the suddenly hot, post-season bat of admitted steroid user, New York Yankees third baseman Alex "A-Rod" Rodriguez. Go, Phillies.
For more information about the First Dog, go to Animal Planet at:
What does this post have to do with the "Dog denizens of Genesee Park"? Absolutely nothing. It's not like we'll see the real Bo and a swarm of Secret Service agents visiting our off-leash park in the lovely Rainier Valley. Buy would you rather read as I rant and rave about negligent owners who wont pick up dog doody at the park?
I thought not.
I think giving the family name to the dog is not a good idea, he is only a dog. Here are the many ways to name dogs: